Thursday, August 23, 2012

Prior to THE BABY - I didn't plan to ever:

Prior to THE BABY - I didn't plan to ever: 1) Not be able to find the floor in all the rooms of the house due to baby 'stuff' - laundry, activity mats, toys, burp cloths/receiving blankets. 2) Leave the crib mattress in the front foyer for a week before getting it into place. 3) Have problems using cloth diapers. 4) Consistently reach into the fridge and tell myself not to grab the little vials of breast milk for my tea. 5) Repeatedly forget to drink my tea. 6) Still not be sleeping with my husband at 3 months. 7) find it a luxury to take a shower, make a phone call, or complete an email with two hands. 8) Still marvel at the perfect little mouth and little sucking noises after weeks and weeks. 9) Eat out in so often. 10) not be concerned about being covered in spit up all the time. 11) find it easier to just wear print shirts in public than to worry about the leaking. 12) Be so proud of someone for grabbing a toy and putting it successfully in their mouth. 13) Find pouty faces heart wrenching and not just annoying. 14) Miss my husband everyday even when he’s right with me. 15) Find it’s an all day task to get supper ready. 16) Take hundreds of photos of 'facial expressions'.